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Published May 1, 2023

Budibase April 2023 Product Update

By Joe Johnston

new grid interface

Grid interface

Currently in Beta

Manage your data as easily as a spreadsheet — add new columns and rows, filter, sort, and inline-edit with just a few clicks. The power of a database and the usability of a spreadsheet are an exciting combination that will provide productivity gains for all users.

The new Grid interface is currently in beta. It currently only works with the internal database and Datasource Plus connections (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Google Sheets, and others).

New simpler pricing

New simpler pricing

We’ve introduced new simpler pricing. In October we introduced day pass pricing. After engaging with the community, the feedback was it was too confusing and unpredictable. So, we’ve moved to a per-user pricing model.

Read more about the new pricing

SCIM and active directory integrate with Budibase


Only available to enterprise users

Sync an existing set of users and groups from an identity provider (Okta, AD, OneLogin) and keep these users in sync with Budibase.

Form block V2

The original form block allowed you to build forms in just a few clicks. With the latest iteration we’ve made the form block more powerful and flexible. You can now customize button text, labels, validation, and add actions to your form block submit button.

Visit the documentation →

Website refresh

We hope you’re enjoying the website refresh. We believe it is cleaner, more professional, and provides a better experience than the previous website.